10 beauty products to cheer you up when it’s miserable outside


Look outside right now. It’s raining. It’s windy. It’s going to snow later, but I’m too scared to check because I don’t think any of us are ready to turn ourselves over to winter yet. Bottom line: it’s the tail end of November, and we’re all suffering because of it. Worse? This is only just the beginning, and within weeks we’ll have cocooned permanently into our homes, refusing to face the cold (and I mean cold) light of day.

Which is fine. Frankly, going out is overrated, and if you can be cozy at home, why would you venture out into the dark, empty abyss? Exactly. So on nights when you opt out of socializing outside of your home, here are 10 cheery (or, cheerier-than-outside) beauty products to pass the time with.

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