10 Facebook status faux pas that will guarantee you get unfollowed


Social media can be both a blessing and a serious pain in the ass. Aside from being able to connect with people all over the world, it’s also given everyone a chance to voice their opinion, whether we want to hear it or not. We’re all guilty of some bad social media habits (ie. endless #selfies, #foodporn and #relationshipgoals), but like anything that gives us a freedom to relay information and be heard whenever and wherever, things can get out of hands at times. Sure, everyone has their right to express their thoughts and feelings, but who really wants to be the subject of “Did you see so-and-so’s latest rant on FB?” No one.

So to save your rep (and everyone else’s sanity), we’ve compiled a list of status don’ts to be mindful of next time you click the publish button. But for those who don’t care about people clicking the unfollow button, feel free to disregard the below advice.

The “I have the best husband/wife/boyfriend/girlfriend ever” posts.

We get it. You’re in an amazing relationship.


A photo posted by Jennifer Lopez (@jlo) on

AKA always posting a really a good photo of you but a not-so-great photo of your friend next to you. Not cool.

Tweeting about having the worst day

…and thus making your followers ask you about it.

“I just cleaned out my Facebook friends and if you’re reading this, you’re welcome” status.


Checking in on Facebook wherever you are.

You know, there are other apps for that.

Collages of every single photo from your vacation

Actually, most collages.

Venting about politics, work or life in general

Please take to a diary.

Or worse, a Snapchat monologue, starring you and your complaints

We already had to watch it on Snap.

Over-sharing and bragging about your and/or your kids’ achievements


Your post-shopping haul that features every luxe brand on the planet.

A photo posted by Chantal Li (@chantal_li) on

So tacky, tbh.

The post 10 Facebook status faux pas that will guarantee you get unfollowed appeared first on FASHION Magazine.