10 Things to Buy on Blue Monday

Unlike, say, Winter Solstice which happens December 21st, and is the longest night of the year, there is no empirical evidence to the term ‘Blue Monday.’ At first we thought it had something to do with post-holiday credit card bills arriving in the mail, or stemmed from a collective sadness over the lousy weather ahead, but no, none of that rings true. In fact, the concept started in the mid-2000s as a way to boost travel (we’d love to find the marketing genius behind it!). So while we wouldn’t encourage getting deeper into debt, who can deny the healing power of a gift to thyself. Especially if said gift is the same colour as the day in question: Blue. Here’s hoping you find a little inspiration today.

Ten Blue Things to Buy on Blue Monday.


The post 10 Things to Buy on Blue Monday appeared first on FASHION Magazine.