12 small space home office ideas that are a freelancer’s dream come true

Dreamy office spaces are often just that: Dreams. Most of us work in cramped cubicles where the greatest source of self-expression is the kind of coffee cup you leave on your desk. It suits a professional environment, but if you work from home, where you spend most of your life, it can be uninspiring.

But times are changing. A staggering study by software company Intuit is predicting that 40 per cent of the American workforce will be freelance by the year 2020. Web and mobile-based jobs mean that you can work from literally anywhere. That’s a whole lot of people who will be setting up shop in cafes, mobile work environments or in their homes.

Since space is at a premium, we’ve sourced inspiring ways to get your work done within reach of your pen, paper and laptop too. Whether your dream office is a sweet pink paradise, plant-filled or a clean, minimal nook, we’ve found 12 brilliant ideas to help you attain that elusive work/life balance, stapler and all.

Click through for small space office inspiration.

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