12 times Prince William and Kate Middleton were total relationship goals

Our fave royal couple, the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge, is celebrating their 5th anniversary! So much has happened since Prince William and Kate Middleton said their “I dos” at Westminster Abbey in London, England on April 29th, 2011. Who wasn’t among the 72 million viewers worldwide (beat that, Kim K) glued to their TVs that day? The pomp! The circumstance! The fashion! (Middleton’s Alexander McQueen bridal gown would make even the world’s biggest cynic swoon.)

Then there’s the love story. Unlike Prince William’s parents, Prince Charles and Princess Diana, William, 33, and Kate, 34, seem to have a real connection. True loves and best friends—isn’t that the love story we all want to write? It’s the little things between these university sweethearts that sets them apart from past royal couples: William’s hand on Kate’s back as they board a private jet; sharing a giggle during a press event; holding hands on a hike while on official duty in Bhutan; and playing in the snowy French Alps during their first family vacay with Prince George, 2, and Princess Charlotte, 11 months.

Ok, so it’s not exactly dinner and a movie-type stuff, but that’s why the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge have captured our hearts. They are the poster couple for #relationshipgoals. In Hollywood speak; they’re the Ryan Reynolds and Blake Lively of Kensington Palace. (Dear Your Majesty, can you please send orders for this dream double date to happen?) In celebration of William and Kate’s 5th anniversary, we’ve rounded up 10 picture perfect photos of the happy royal couple. Cheers!

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