5 Beauty Resolutions to Make (And Actually Keep) This Year

Look, we know that setting New Year’s Resolutions can be kind of tedious. Whether yours is to hit the gym more often, get more sleep, or to gossip less, they tend to feel a little bleh. But they’re good for forcing ourselves to adopt better habits and generally be better humans, so that’s why we keep making them, year after year. The point of “new year, new you” is upgrading, and what better area of your life to upgrade than your beauty regimen?

When it comes to beauty resolutions, we’ll spare you the obvious ones like quitting smoking, wearing SPF and taking your makeup off each and every night, because you already know those things. We’ve rounded up the top five beauty resolutions that will make a huge difference to your look (and outlook!) in 2018.

The post 5 Beauty Resolutions to Make (And Actually Keep) This Year appeared first on FASHION Magazine.