5 minutes with Georgia May Jagger: The face of Just Cavalli talks about fragrance, modelling and her mother

At the launch of the Just Cavalli fragrance in New York, FASHION Magazine’s beauty editor, Sarah Daniel, sat down with the face of the campaign, Georgia May Jagger. Jagger discussed the influence her mother, Jerry Hall, has had on everything from modelling to fragrance choices and revealed that, just like the rest of us, she’s obsessed with Karlie Kloss. Watch the video above to go behind the scenes of the shoot for Just Cavalli and read on for the full interview.

I just saw the TV ad campaign for the fragrance. It looks like it was a fun shoot.
“It’s very saucy.”

Your mom, Jerry Hall, has been the face of several advertising campaigns; did she give you any advice?
“She always says try to have fun, be yourself. All that kind of stuff.”

Mom stuff.
“Yeah, mom stuff. Then she’s always telling me I need to take a break, and stuff like that.”

Your mom was on the U.K. version of Dancing with the Stars, right?
“She showed me [her dance] the other day in the kitchen, and I was really impressed. I have actually never seen her dance before; she’s not a big dancer so it was very impressive to see that. Her body looks amazing, she has been working out, she’s lost a lot of weight.”

Are you a big fragrance wearer?
“I have always been interested in flowery scents, like [Just Cavalli], and I’ve always worn essential oils.”

Do you have an early memory of a scent that you loved, or a perfume that you remember the smell of when you were growing up?
“Well my mom always smelled like sandalwood and Angel perfume by Thierry Mugler.”

What was it like growing up with a supermodel and a rock star as parents?
“I got to travel a lot, so that was quite exciting.”

Do you have a favourite Rolling Stones song?
“I like Gimme Shelter.”

Apart from your mom, you have said that Grace Jones is one of your favourite models. Who else inspires you?
“My sister [Lizzy Jagger], and my friend Cara Delevingne. And I think Karlie Kloss is superhuman. She is such a sweet girl as well. She has done so much so young.

People often remark on your smile.
“Yeah, I mean I looked into [fixing] it [when I was growing up] but I kind of decided that puberty was hard enough without having braces as well, so that’s why I didn’t go for it in the beginning. I kind of didn’t think about it as much as I do now because people always talk about it now. When you’re younger, and when you’re a kid, you don’t really think that you’ve got something weird or different going on. I think if everyone looked the same it would be a bit boring.”

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