5 ways your beauty routine is actually causing you to break out


The only thing that really got us through our painfully awkward teenage years was the hopeful belief that things could only get better. We dreamed of the days when our wardrobes didn’t consist of our sisters’ hand-me-downs, our dates weren’t immature weirdos, and our days wouldn’t be ruined by the arrival of a bright red beamer. And sure, maybe our wardrobes have greatly improved and our dates have gotten (slightly) better, but our skin seems to have gotten even worse–despite our greater efforts to perfect it.

This isn’t a coincidence: there can be a correlation between your dedication to attaining clear skin and your pimple-prone mug. Turns out, our carefully designed beauty routine could actually be a mere collection of skin sabotagers. It’s your standard case of Catch-22: our efforts for a blemish-free complexion can be the very reason we need such a heavy skin care regimen to begin with.

And so, we’re highlighting the top five ways your beauty products could be causing you to break out, and what you can do to fix it. From over-exfoliating to pore-clogging cosmetics, clear skin can just be one simple beauty cupboard cleanout away.

The post 5 ways your beauty routine is actually causing you to break out appeared first on FASHION Magazine.