6 unique ways to feel happy this summer (in case you get your SADs in reverse)

ways to feel happy
Photography by Peter Stigter

If you’re happy and you know it clap your hands. No seriously, try it—clap your hands. According to a recent study, when adults indulge in similar childhood games they report feeling less tense and their mood improves. While this method isn’t exactly foolproof, it’s certainly one way to cope with summertime sadness. And no, we’re not talking about Lana Del Rey’s hit song, we’re referring to actual summertime sadness, scientifically known as summer-onset seasonal affective disorder (SAD).

But wait, isn’t summer supposed to be one giant funfest? How can someone possibly feel sad because of it? Well, according to researchers, approximately 10% of people with SAD get it in the reverse—instead of feeling blue come winter time, the onset of summer triggers symptoms of depression. From vacation envy to bikini body anxieties, summertime sadness is a very real concern, but you don’t have to let it keep you down. Check out these 6 unique things you can do to feel happy all summer long.

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