A Quickfire Interview with Coco Rocha on Her IRL vs. URL Faves

We asked our April 2017 cover girl, Coco Rocha, to spill on her fave moments in real life as well as her virtual #dreams.

Your dream destination in real life?
“Fiji or Bali.”

Your dream destination in virtual reality?
“England, during the reign of George III, the age of Jane Eyre! I’m obsessed with historical English royalty. We live in a time where everything is captured on camera, but this era is more of a mystery, so I would love to see what it was really about.”

The musician you’d most like to meet in person and sing with?
“I would have loved to meet David Bowie. We’d sing ‘Fashion,’ but I would have lip-synched because I am a horrible singer!”

The music you can’t live without on your iPhone?
“Right now, it’s Lana Del Rey’s ‘Old Money.’ It’s not one of her popular songs, but it’s a good one.”

Your favourite phrase?
“‘Love you,’ as said by [my daughter] Ioni.”

Your favourite emoticon?

What’s the first thing you do in the morning?
“Run into Ioni’s room for cuddles.”

What’s the first thing you do online?
“Check my Instagram feed.”

What’s the last thing you do before bed?
“Kiss Ioni on the forehead.”

What’s the last thing you do online?
“Make sure I didn’t miss any crucial emails.”

What’s your guilty pleasure IRL?
“Staying in PJs all day when I can.”

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