A ranking of the best, worst and weirdest movie makeover scenes ever

Here’s what we know. We know that movie makeovers are real. We know there’s usually an “aha!” moment where the star comes into her own or embraces a newfound aesthetic that conveys to everyone watching that she’s really in love now, so get into it, thank you. And we know that most of the time, the shtick is tired.

But it’s also more complicated than that. This past weekend saw the release of Me Before You, a romance about a young woman who falls in love with a paralyzed millionaire and who tweaks her look in the process. It’s nothing major, but it happens. Which got us thinking: how many romance movies really perpetuate the notion that a woman has to look different once she’s in love?

Spoiler alert: too many. But where makeovers have defined the likes of Grease and She’s All That, make-unders have been just as common, specifically after the throws of passion. (If you know what I mean.) So, here’s how makeup and hair have played just as important a role to character/relationship development as actual writing. Good luck to all of us.

The post A ranking of the best, worst and weirdest movie makeover scenes ever appeared first on FASHION Magazine.