After dropping hints all weekend, Lady Gaga finally shares a picture of her just-dyed brown hair

Photography via Little Monsters

Considering that Lady Gaga is as known for her shock-tactic aesthetic as she is her music, the fact that the perennially blonde pop star has darkened her tresses to a natural brunette is perhaps the most startling news we’ve heard out of The Haus of Gaga in a while.

“Definitely feeling less blond lately and little more progressive brunette. I am LOUIS VUITTON BROWN. BITCH THATS LV,” she tweeted this morning after sharing a picture of her hair mid-dye. She soon followed up with a picture of the final result, but a few Internet clues reveal that she’s been brunette for much longer. First, some fans happened to run into her in Amsterdam this weekend, giving Little Monsters everywhere a look at the new hair. And yesterday Lady Gaga herself provided a particularly sneaky sneak peek of the dye job in this Monstervision film. Personally, we’re loving the darker hue: Lady Gaga’s all about the theatrics so it’s refreshing to see her looking so natural. What do you think of the new hair colour?

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