Afternoon beauty fix: Does anti-aging jargon leave you confused? Here’s what you need to know

I’m lost amongst the variety of anti-aging creams on the shelf at the drugstore—what do I need to be looking for in a preventative product?
It’s a confusing world when it comes to beauty—buzzwords like “retinol” and “collagen” are tossed around as though their meanings are commonly known. Don’t worry, I’m here to simplify. Peptides and proteins exist in the fabric of our skin and they are both made up of amino acids. The amino acids (of which there are 20 types) combine to create different sequences and strengths of peptides and proteins, and this directly influences the construction of our skin. If those sequences weaken or degrade as a result of age, sun damage, stress, or dehydration, our skin reacts by forming fine lines and wrinkles. In terms of the proteins, one of the most common in anti-aging prevention is collagen. When products are applied to your skin, the peptides in the product communicate with the peptides in your cells to influence their behavior—sort of like a mother does her offspring, though in this case the “kids” are collagen. Since your preference is prevention, I would recommend a product that works in tandem with your skin’s peptides and proteins in protecting collagen. Consonant Antioxidant Superhero serum ($63, at is 100 per cent natural and formulated with an extremely high concentration of botanicals. This means it will strengthen your skin without causing irritation, as synthetic anti-aging creams can sometimes do. A safe and sound bet, if you ask me!

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