Afternoon beauty fix: Have little red bumps on the back of your arms? Welcome to the (dehydrated) club!

Why can’t I exfoliate away the red bumps on my arms and thighs? T-shirt season is fast approaching, and I want them gone!
When I once had those same little bumps on my arms, I was mostly worried that they were acne in an irregular place. Only when I consulted a girlfriend with the same skin condition did I learn that the red bumps are something else, known as “keratosis pilaris”—a form of severely dry skin. You see, dehydration doesn’t just occur when you’re not drinking enough water; it can occur when your pores are blocked or because your skin’s cells are struggling to receive and maintain moisture within their confines. I had my best luck at diminishing the bumps with Eucerin Complete Repair Moisturizing Lotion ($20, at drugstores). It’s a specialized cream with moisturizing agents that mimic those naturally produced by our skin—amino acids, lactate and urea—to build up a lipid barrier and keep your cells optimally hydrated. Even after a hot yoga class—which ranks pretty high on the “things that will dehydrate you” list—my limbs weren’t scaly, itchy or irritated. And you’ll sleep easy knowing that this fix is fragrance, colour and constant-application free: you’ll be able to spend an entire day in blissful relief!

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