Am I too old to wear that? A definitive guide to the trends

As grown-ass women interested in looking good, you’ve probably asked this question at one point: “Am I too old to wear that?”

Are we too old for those boots, or those shorts, that crop-top, or those accessories? Are we too old for glitter and green lipstick or pastel hair? Are we too old to wear Sam Smiths or too old for scrunchies or chokers or any of the trends we lived through the first installments of? Should we dress “our age” or dress in all-black exclusively or in blazers and pant suits and whatever it is defined Dorothy Zbornak’s aesthetic? Are trends for the young and staples for the rest of us? Should we perpetually wear outfits that deserve and demand the Businesswomen Special?

Of course not.

To assume style has an expiry date is as problematic as it is boring. Does fashion cater to youth culture? Well, duh. But that’s arguably because youth is the fashion gateway. As teens, we experimented with prints, colours, fits, and whatever-it-was-we-saw-in-YM, but it took most of us well into our twenties to gain a better understanding of what works for us, what doesn’t always, and what makes us feel powerful. But that doesn’t mean fun, experimental fashion is no longer an option.

In fact, it is more an option than it’s ever been. Not only can we finally financially splurge on pieces we previously only dreamed of (see: buying more than one pair of shoes every six months), adulthood has afforded us the luxury of interpreting teen trends in grown-ass ways. No, we may not cover ourselves in glitter (or maybe we will—my rules aren’t gospel), but we can interpret it in a way that allows us to appease both our teen selves and the adults we are now.

And I will prove it to you right now. Meet me at the mall after school.

The post Am I too old to wear that? A definitive guide to the trends appeared first on FASHION Magazine.