Are You Applying Your Hair Products in the Right Order?

Order makes the world go round, especially when it comes to our everyday routines. Your critical haircare steps boast the same non-negotiables as your skincare routine, but disguised in different packaging. Of course ensuring that your products are being used in correct order will not only usher in some on fleek hair days, but you’ll be kicking some strand-saving life back into your locks. And just to kick-start your new product rotation, two prominent hair heroes gave us some helpful hints. From Brennen Demelo, the International Ambassador for L’Oreal Professionnel with celebrity clients that include Gigi Hadid, to Linzee Katzman for Ted Gibson, riding through the six with your hair woes will be a thing of the past.

This guide to keeping your strands at bay begins with a few necessary steps. To start, your hair will need to be squeaky clean and fresh before you start playing with your products. Demelo notes that the reason for this is because the “texture of hair determines the haircare products you’d use, so for dirty hair you’d use products that absorb oils like powders or dry shampoo, versus creating a style from damp, clean hair.” So if you’re pushing day three on your strands, it’s time to give them a little TLC.

So maybe you’re hitting these products with some major skepticism but “some research or a consultation would help define how to get the desired result for each hair type,” says Brennen. If you’re unsure of what products to use for your strands or even how to use them, it might be a great idea to sit down with someone at your salon and have them create a plan that best suits your strands, just as you would for your skin. Katzman notes, “products help to manage your hair. I promise you products will make styling easier. They also encourage memory in the hair so your hair not only falls into place but stays in place.”

If you’re still wondering what products would work for any and all hair types, we’ve rounded up some that will help create some order in your haircare chaos. “Investing in the proper tools and products will enhance your life. They will shave time off your styling, they will be gentle on your hair to keep it healthy, and pump your hair filled will all of the proper amino acids and proteins,” adds Katzman. So start and finish with these products, and you will begin to notice a more manageable mane in no time.

The post Are You Applying Your Hair Products in the Right Order? appeared first on FASHION Magazine.