Backstage beauty: Simple ponytails and clean faces at Joe Fresh

Photography by Jenna Marie Wakani

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Natural, natural, natural—the word kept buzzing around backstage before last night’s Joe Fresh show. For hair, this meant sporty side-parted ponytails with barely any product or tools used. “If you were to do this at home, just a fresh blow dry,” said L’Oreal Paris official hair artist and colourist Eric Del Monaco. However, on the runway natural always becomes slightly enhanced—in this case with many mists of Elnett hairspray. (We swear one ponytail took on an entire can…)

The best trick we saw with makeup was the creation of a natural-looking (there’s that word again!) highlight simply by applying a matte powder from the lower edge of the cheek to the chin. The rest was very simple: Eddie Malter, official makeup artist of L’Oreal Paris, enhanced the brows slightly with Wear Infinite Eye Shadow “821” and only added a touch of mascara. “There’s a lot of colours in the show, so we wanted to keep it clean,” he explained.

Perhaps this fresh look was a little too monochromatic for one model? We spotted Heather Marks after the show with just-painted dark blue nails in Joe Fresh “denim”. “I couldn’t resist when I saw all the colours!” she confessed.

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