Beauty Confessionals: I got a perm and it was the worst (but also the best)


Everyone at one point or another has wished for hair that’s different from what they were born with; straight instead of curly, blonde instead of brown, etc. So as a girl with hair that’s half-straight and half-wavy, I’ve always been eager to update my limp, awkward hairstyle. Cue the perm. Two years ago, I was obsessed with obtaining perfect beach waves (think Gisele) but my thick hair prevented salt sprays from working their magic. After two trips to the salon, I finally got the results I wanted: glorious curly hair (my locks are heavier on the bottom, so one treatment wasn’t enough). I loved every second of it; I never had to take the time to give my hair that extra volume at the top, never mind even brush it! I was living the dream, until I realized it came with a price. After a year and half of effortless hair days, my best friend touched my hair one day and commented in the nicest way (but not really) possible, “Your hair feels like straw.” That hit a nerve. Because I was os overjoyed with the lazy-girl potential of my newfound beach waves, I totally neglected to care for it during that time; no hair masks, no conditioning treatments, nothing. I knew right then and there, my hair needed some TLC.

I had heard wondrous stories about hair oils and decided to give one a try. I won’t lie, I was skeptical at first because even though I have dry ends, my scalp is relatively oily, so the last thing I wanted to do was rub some more oil into it. But Schwarzkopf Professional BC Oil Miracle ($39, at salons nationwide) proved me wrong. Featuring evaporating technology, this hair treatment not only helps soften the hair follicles, but also restores its natural shine without that awful feeling of having too much product in your hair. It definitely took a few months to bring my hair back to its smooth and healthy state, even if I put more than the recommended amount into my tips. But after using it religiously on my damp, washed hair (I still use it to this day since it’s great for all hair types), I deem it the perfect hair remedy for dry and damaged ends. Several trims and a bob later, my hair is finally back to how it should be: soft, nourished and anything but straw-like. Take that, best friend.

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