Behind the tongue wagging? The Coveteur goes backstage with Miley Cyrus at the MTV Video Music Awards

The Coveteur Miley Cyrus MTV
Photography by The Coveteur

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Talk about hitting the jackpot. On a day ruled by Miley Cyrus love/hate/backlash/confusion, The Coveteur has produced proverbial gold with a behind-the-scenes feature on Cyrus’s MTV Video Music Awards performance pre-prep, live on the site now.

The feature follows Cyrus and stylist Simone Harouche (she’s been responsible for the singer’s Susan Powter-meets-Cynthia doll makeover) backstage at the Barclay’s Stadium as they beautify for the show alongside Denika Bedrossian on make-up and Brant Mayfield on hair (yes to those genius twisty buns!).

If you’re looking for answers re. tongue wagging, naked thrusting, penis hand, we’ve got none, but what we do have is some fashion scoop! “Everything she wore, I had custom made – from her bear leotard to her light-up creepers and latex costume. Miley had this vision and it was amazing to be able to create it all and help bring it to life,” says Harouche on the site.

For all the twisty buns and furries, head over to The Coveteur.

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