Best gift ever! Fashion finger puppets

You totally know the puppet on the left is Donatella. Photos via

Rubbish Magazine have created some crafty little companions—finger puppet avatars for the fashion elite. The knit miniatures bear a striking resemblance to their real-life counterparts and are organized into categories for every fashion capital—Milan, Paris, New York and London. No surprise that Karl Lagerfeld is there, but our favourites are the two-headed Viktor & Rolf, André Leon Talley resplendent in an LV cap and cape, and a mini Alber Elbaz. If you can stomach the exchange rate on the pound, a boxed set of five puppets will run you about $155 (

See a gallery of Giorgio, Hamish, Miuccia and the gang after the jump and tell us which is your favourite in the comments. [Grazia]

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