Beyoncé has a pixie cut! Beyoncé has a pixie cut!

See the other shots of Beyoncé’s short hair »
Here’s the only piece of beauty news you need to know today, kids: Beyoncé now has a super short pixie cut. She’s joined the ranks of other celebs who made the very on-trend cut this summer! And because only Beyoncé herself announces any and all news about, well, herself, the singer chose to share her new hair via three Instagram snaps late last night.
The cropped style looks great—this is Beyoncé, after all—and the only real disagreement between fans (aka internet commenters) is over whether it’s an actual cut to her real hair or just another one of her stunning wigs. (Beyoncé’s wig collection is estimated at a cool $1 million in value.) We’ll have to wait for more photos to know for sure, or until August 17, which is the next date in her Mrs Carter Show world tour. Or maybe she’ll keep surprising us and break costume. This pixie cut would certainly help avoid any issues with wind machines…
The post Beyoncé has a pixie cut! Beyoncé has a pixie cut! appeared first on FASHION Magazine.