Blake Shelton and the epidemic of the non-apology

The only thing worse than someone not apologizing for a mistake is when they offer up a non-apology. Our definition of said social transgression is a weak attempt at saying sorry, but framing it in such a way that it lacks any accountability. Famous people excel at these, and the latest celebrity to demonstrate this skill is Blake Shelton. Recently, when old tweets of his resurfaced that were racist, sexist and homophobic, he issued his non-apology like so.

When you apologize to those who were offended, you’re basically saying you’re sorry that they got bent out of shape, but not actually for the actions that precluded the reaction. Also, trying to pass these tweets off as legit comedy? WTF, dude? I shudder at the thought of him making Gwen laugh with these zingers.

Let’s revisit other famous non-apologies.

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