Breaking news: Galliano officially out at Dior

Galliano arriving at the Paris police station yesterday, shot by Marc Piasecki/Getty Images.

WWD is reporting that Christian Dior has officially fired designer, John Galliano. In a statement released by the house, Sidney Toledano, Dior’s president and chief officer firmly condemned Galliano’s behaviour, stating that his comments were in direct opposition to their core values. Despite the recent developments, the house plans to go on with its fall 2011 show slated for this Friday.

Meanwhile, Natalie Portman, the most recent face of Dior Parfums has disassociated herself from the designer, stating, “As an individual who is proud to be Jewish, I will not be associated with Mr. Galliano in any way. I hope at the very least, these terrible comments remind us to reflect and act upon combating these still-existing prejudices that are the opposite of all that is beautiful.”

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