Brightening up for the new year

It’s been a hectic month and I’ve done everything to contribute to the saggy wreck that freaks me out in the mirror. Booze in excess, dessert five times a day, packs and packs of cigarettes and way too many sleepless nights followed by tons of caffeine.

So it’s time to get back that polish – it’s my job, after all! – and I’m all for getting help from the experts. So I chose to start with a test drive of NIU’s (1639 Sherbrooke St. W., 514-448-4870, mythical tooth whitening treatment. (The gym can always wait.) At the all-white, über-designed Westmount dental clinic, I relaxed in the lobby with the latest issue of Vanity Fair, then let charming Dr. Momar Bary manipulate my teeth while I listened to funk, jazz and reggae on huge earphones. After about an hour of not-so-painful work, the wine, coffee and tobacco stains had waned and I was smiling at life again. Until the next party, bien sûr.

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