Bring on the skulls! Avril Lavigne to launch a collection of Sally Hansen nail stickers

You would think Avril Lavigne has her hands full with her music, her Abbey Dawn clothing line, and her boy toy, Brody Jenner, but the 27 year old just announced another project: a deal with beauty giant Sally Hansen to produce a limited edition Salon Effects Nail Strips collection this spring.

Lavigne boasted to WWD, “I’m a really visual person; I like creating, and I love to have fun with colours. I think this offers self-expression, and it’s a really smart, versatile way to show your style.” She’s not the first songstress to share her love for nail art: many of us scooped up Nicki Minaj’s dazzling polishes for OPI—which was a beyond brilliant fit—but will everyone want to rock Lavigne’s signature punk-girl style on their nails?

Taking inspiration from her music, the designs will include patterns of tiny skulls and leopard prints. While these are trends that have been done to death (especially on nail stickers!) we’re sure they’ll be a hit with Lavigne’s younger fans. Now… what are the odds that Jenner’s face will appear in one of the designs?

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