Buy Design swings to the Dirty ’30s

Photography by Anna Lisa Sang
Photography by Anna Lisa Sang

One of our favourite dress-up occasions, the annual Buy Design party, has just announced the details for the seventh edition of the fundraiser, which supports Windfall (–a clothing bank that provides new clothing and basic-needs items to vulnerable families in the GTA. Next year’s theme is the Dirty ’30s–apropos considering the current climate–complete with badminton, croquet and country-fair concessions. (A group of Toronto fashion types spent spent an afternoon playing church social at the Ward’s Island club house to get pictures for the party.) As always, there will be an auction with tons of goodies up for grabs. No word on whether the bar will have moonshine, but there will be plenty of the modern equivalents, which should loosen everyone up for the swing dancing.

Buy Design’s Spring Social is on April 10, 2010 at the Distillery District’s Fermenting Cellar. Tickets go on sale in mid-January at

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