Cannes 2017 Beauty: Celebs Are Really Into Eye Makeup Right Now

Let’s just put it out there: awards show makeup is generally a snoozefest. With the exception of the ones where weirdness is expected, like the VMAs, red carpets aren’t the most inspiring places for beauty inspo. And honestly, who can blame celebs? They want to look good and avoid worst dressed/hair/makeup lists (which are still a thing, somehow) and often times that means going with safe, foolproof beauty looks.

But now that awards season is behind us, celebs are stepping up their games at the Cannes Film Festival. And by “stepping up their games” we mean “rediscovering eyeliner.”

Sure, it’s not anything groundbreaking, but you have to admit it’s refreshing to see dramatic winged liner, rather than a wimpy flick (thanks, Em Rata, Bella Hadid and Elle Fanning!), black-lined waterlines (#tbt!) and actual eyeshadow.

We’ll take what we can get, okay? And considering that Cannes 2017 started just yesterday, we can safely say it’s off to a pretty good start.

Want more Cannes coverage? Check out our fave celeb dresses right here.

The post Cannes 2017 Beauty: Celebs Are Really Into Eye Makeup Right Now appeared first on FASHION Magazine.