Casting my blues ballot

In light of Toronto’s recent mayoral election–for which I dutifully cast my vote while doing a modern-day spin of Jackie O: a pink cropped wool jacket with 3/4-length sleeves, oversized sunglasses, pearls and a pair of skinny jeans–I have been thinking a great deal about polls, platform statements and promises.

Fashion and politics are both a reflection of society–ideally, working for and with the people. So whether we are deciding on which delegate or denim brand to vote for, the end result is the same: We want the one that delivers. And while politics may have no business in the bedroom, it certainly does in the closet as the concept of “jean therapy” is growing in popularity among female and male denim divas. But with so many notable nominees, how can we choose the best-fitting candidate?

Naturally, when my invite arrived to check out the Paige Premium Denim collection ( at the ultimate house of blues–Yorkville’s Over the Rainbow–I marked an X in my day planner to attend this fashion forum.

Paige Adams-Geller, the designer of Paige Premium Denim (PPD), bases her platform on the fundamentals: fit, fabric and finish. “Most of us weren’t blessed with perfect genes,” she says, “but we’re bringing you the next best thing: perfect jeans.”

A former fit model herself, Adams-Geller has the California cover girl look (read: blonde, bubbly, with brilliant bone structure) that rates high in the polls on both sides of the border. A relative newcomer to the jean industry (she started her line in Spring 2005), her Tinseltown roster already includes Eva Longoria, Denise Richards, Heidi Klum and Jessica Simpson. She explains that PPD is tailor-fit to elongate the legs, boost the booty and slenderize hips and thighs. But before I can cast my vote, I need to test the theory in the change room.

After vetoing several pairs (and vowing to swear off carbs forever), I find the pair that wins by a landslide: Hidden Hills, in a dark blue/grey wash. Booty lift… check. Slender hips… check. Elongated legs… check. PPD definitely gets the vixen vote.

Designer Elsa Schiaparelli once said, “Fashion is born by small facts, trends or even politics, never by trying to make little pleats and furbelows, by trinkets, by clothes easy to copy or by the shortening or lengthening of a skirt.”

Perhaps my new look will be that of political princess. Very runway to rally, non?

View a slideshow of the Paige Premium Denim event.

The post Casting my blues ballot appeared first on FASHION Magazine.