Celebrities behaving badly: 14 legal missteps you totally forgot about

We’re used to the so-called Fashion Police calling out celebrities both on and off the red carpet. What about celebrities getting stopped by the real police, though? Fashion faux-pas do often get celebrities in trouble but there’s been many instances when a celeb’s behaviour almost put them behind bars. Vanessa Hudgens, for instance, just got fined $1,000 for carving her initials on a Sedona rock on a Valentine’s Day date gone wrong. Turns out, defacing a natural feature on U.S. Forest Service land is a crime worthy of punishment. From minor offences (anyone remember Ariana Grande licking that doughnut?) to some more serious ones (DUIS and insider trading), we’ve broken down some of the most notorious celebrities and their sometimes strange, sometimes predictable legal missteps.

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