CIFF: Calgary International Film Festival red carpet pics

Photography by Bookstrucker Photography

Last week at the Calgary International Film Festival ( opening night gala, FASHION and a stylish crowd celebrated the beginning of a 10-day Alberta film frenzy with a red carpet walk, the world-premiere of Jim Cliffe’s déjà vu flick, Donovan’s Echo, and a champagne reception with food truck fare at Eighth Avenue Place.

Veteran actor Bruce Greenwood arrived by limo to help present the film, in which he plays a police officer and friend to another movie-vet, Danny Glover.

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So, how does one decide what to wear to such an event? The always-chic CIFF executive director, Jacqueline Dupuis, looked sophisticated and poised with a sleek, blonde ponytail and a long, draped black jersey dress from local designer Lauren Bagliore (

With her classic Prada shoes that are, as she says, “a million years old,” selecting a Bagliore design was the easy part. “I knew it was Lauren for sure when I narrowed it down to the three finalists—all Bagliore—but I had a bit of a meltdown choosing between the three of them!”

“When I’m choosing an outfit, I want to look like myself, feel like myself, and feel confident,” said Dupuis. “The only way I can describe the dress I chose is to say that it made me feel really special.”

Meanwhile, on this balmy September evening, the little black dress dominated, save for a few who went bold in cocktail dresses of spring green, raspberry red, and electric crimson, a flicker of the dashing “New West” city name that so many Calgarian’s are taking to heart.

The post CIFF: Calgary International Film Festival red carpet pics appeared first on FASHION Magazine.