Colour psychology 101: Here’s what every shade in your wardrobe says about you

Is black the new black? According to a recent study released by British retailer Buy T-Shirts Online, a wholesale supplier for companies like American Apparel, the answer is a resounding (wait for it) YES! The survey asked 1,000 people to evaluate images of the opposite sex, which were identical save for the colour of the t-shirt they were wearing. Results found that test subjects singled out black as the leader in confidence, intelligence, and sexiness.

Now, considering this company is in the business of hawking tees, we might want to consider their findings with a certain level of skepticism, even though the charms of black have long been championed by the fashion set. It’s no secret that black is thought to be the most slimming colour and that it also exudes a level of authority, unfussiness, and sophistication. On the flip side, yellow, orange, and pink were all found to be colours associated with a low intellect (sorry, Elle Woods).

Having a visceral response to colour is nothing new; in fact, there are psychological traits that have been attributed to each. They’re the reason why a red dress is inexplicably alluring, or why a blue sweater is so comforting. Colour psychology is a highly influential factor in human behavior, and is controlled by a variety of factors such as gender, age, and culture. It is also heavily used in marketing to help impact consumers perception of goods and instill brands with personality traits, such as Victoria’s Secret being associated with fun, flirty pink and H&R Block opting for a financially savvy green.

Want to know more about what each colour in the spectrum means? Click through our gallery to get the scoop on which shades will work best for all your outfit needs.

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