Cute overload! Prince George’s Christmas photos are all you need in life

prince george holiday photos

See Prince George’s Christmas 2014 photos »

A big thank you is in order for the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge as they’ve graciously provided the public with an early Christmas present, a week before the big day! Made public this Saturday, Kate and Prince William released ridiculously cute photos of a rosy-cheeked Prince George sitting on the front steps of Kensington Palace wearing a sweet little Christmas jumper, hair-parted and all!

While royal watchers may have been disappointed the 16-month-year-old Prince did not join his parents for their big NYC trip last weekend (he stayed with his Grandma), they have nothing to be upset about now. The first official photos released since July were taken by a member of the Royal staff and from what we can tell, the third-in-line for the thrown has taken on a little bit of his mother’s sass. Looking devilishly adorable (is that a little bit of Prince Harry’s irreverence rubbing off on him?), the Prince wore a British guard-emblazoned Cath Kidson vest over a Polarn O. Pyret organic bodysuit and shorts with a pair of buckled Start Rite shoes and knee-high socks.

As the British royals have officially befriended Brooklyn royals, Queen Bey and Jay-Z, we have our fingers crossed that a play-date between Blue Ivy and Prince George might ensue in the near future. But for now, we can’t resist awwwww-ing over the handsome holiday photos of little Prince George.

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