Daily reads: Designer sex symbols, Cavalli sells and fake Loubs in real boxes

Miley and Max Go To Walmart
Miley and Max Go To Walmart

A round-up of “hotties” from the design world. Unecessary, but welcome. [Fabsugar]

We turn around for one second to shudder at LiLo’s possible move to Ungaro  and Max Azria goes and does a line for Walmart with Miley Cyrus. [The Cut]

Yes, the louboutinmail.com Loubs are fakes. But they come in a real box. Because you definitely buy Loubs for the box. [The Cut]

After more back and forth than the Olivier/Ricci brouhaha, Roberto Cavalli is selling part of his company. [The Cut]

Phi’s Resort 2010 collection doesn’t look like it belongs at any resort we’ve ever seen, but if this place does exist, we want to go there. [Women]

Certain of our numbers are quite buzzy that The Face may be coming back. [Fashionologie]

If you missed the Susie Bubble/Pam Hogg jumpsuit controversy, catch up here, here and here. [Style Bubble, Racked]

Happy anniversary, Purple Rain. [Jezebel]

FIT students design stylish biking gear. [NY Times]

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