Daily reads: Fashion set eye candy and Lil’ Kim’s prison pen pal

Designer Rick Owens. Photography by Peter Stigter
Designer Rick Owens. Photography by Peter Stigter

Forever 21 is heading to court once again for copy-catting. [The Cut]

What was Lil’ Kim dreaming about while she was in prison? Why, Bratz dolls and Marc Jacobs of course. [The Cut]

Rick Owens seems to really hate L.A. (Oh, and he calls naps ‘mini-suicides’ but we’re ignoring that part.) [Fashionologie]

The gorgeous fashion sets of Marla Weinhoff. [Cyanatrendland]

Vogue crams nine models on its May cover. Which means we’ll be seeing actresses galore for the next year and a half. [Fashion Copious

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