Daily reads: Happy Chanel Day/Cinco de Mayo, Costume gala roundup and the magic of shoulder pads

Happy Chanel Day! Watch the new Audrey Tautou commercial to celebrate. [Via Now Smell This]

Alternately, you could celebrate Cinco de Mayo. Stylewise, it’s really either/or. [Refinery 29]

Oh, and the Met Costume Institute Ball was last night. We couldn’t go, so New York had to pinch hit for us. Thanks guys. [The Cut]

How about Diane von Furstenberg’s personal snaps from the gala? [Inside DVF]

Susie Bubble loves up Greta Constantine. [Style Bubble]

Australian Fashion Week featured tampon jewellery, which is unfortunately pictured in this round-up. [The Moment]

Apparently there is more to Scandinavian style than Ikea and H&M (at least if you live in Vancouver). [The Conveyor Belt]

The FDA recently approved a new Botox competitor. [W]

You can take your average, crystal-trimmed military jacket and make it all Balmain-y with a pair of cheap shoulder pads. [Grazia]

Eileen Hickey-Hulme paints with nail polish. Paintings, not nails. [Allure]

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