Do what Beyoncé says and watch this video

We already knew Beyoncé was a goddess, but her mind-blowing performance of “I Was Here” for World Humanitarian Day at the United Nations General Assembly is further proof of her being quite near perfect (not to mention it’s amplified our girl crush on her even more).

Queen B released a video of the performance on her site yesterday, and the heartfelt reaction to it across the web has been overwhelming, to say the least. Dressed in a sparkly, skin-tight Marc Bouwer gown, Bey took the stage with gravity, launching head-first into four and a half minutes of the moving ballad complete with scenes of humanitarian relief work playing out on massive screens behind her. Her heart-wrenching performance coupled with the message of the day itself (which is to recognize humanitarian work and those who lost their lives in humanitarian efforts) is already emotional enough, but the occasional pans of crying audience members are really just the straw that broke the camel’s back—we dare you to try watching this without shedding a tear or two. Once again, we bow down to you Queen B! If you haven’t seen it yet, be sure to check out the video—just make sure you have some Kleenex on hand.

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