Dress code in effect! 10 celebs who didn’t get the Met Gala memo

Say 2015 was a really big year for you. So big that you landed yourself an invitation to the coolest party of all time—the Met Gala. And say you even had the presence of mind to glance at the fine print, the dress code, which explicitly read: tech white tie. Your iPhone was the only thing that came to mind, at which point you began to sweat—disobeying Anna Wintour was simply not an option… or was it? Such a conundrum is what I imagine went through the minds of incoming babes like Lily Rose Depp, who obviously wondered whether their unparalleled hotness could surpass the mandated high end robot chandelier aesthetic at their Met Gala debuts. “No!” they cried, before ending up in regular ole gowns (or in Willow Smith’s case, a cropped Chanel suit). 8 others dared eschew the dress code, resulting in the gallery below. Peruse at your own risk—Anna’s always watching.

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