Edmonton: Q&A with James Kershaw

In her last post, Dolly introduced you to makeup artist James Kershaw. The interview continues below.

He’s Edmonton’s makeup and style guru…just don’t call him a writer.

In Edmonton, you’re well known as a makeup artist, stylist, writer…
“Makeup is my main career.  People think I’m a writer because of my work in The [Edmonton] Journal; it makes me cringe.  I’m not a writer.  I don’t aspire to be a writer and will never be a writer.  I was doing a TV thing and someone said, ‘When did he start doing makeup,’ at which point I had been doing makeup for 27 years.  After that, I started putting a makeup credit on my page.”

Describe your personal style.
“I don’t dress like a 53-year-old man by any stretch of the imagination.  Unless it’s 30 degrees outside, I live in turtlenecks.  I do fairly classic things and funk it up with a modern accessory or a strange or funky shoe.  Right now, I’m living in Cheap Monday jeans and Club Monaco turtlenecks; that’s the basis of my wardrobe.  

What’s your favorite place to shop?
“It can be anywhere. I shop where I see things.  Locally, I used to be a huge Urban shopper.  The place I’d like to be able to shop is Holt Renfrew.  I’m not a label monger, but I am a snob when it comes to quality.”

What are your fashion pet peeves?
“Women in their forties and fifties who try to dress like teenagers.  You can be super trendy in your seventies, but there’s a way to do it.  As long as someone is making an attempt, even if it’s not successful, I appreciate it.”

What inspires you?
“Fashion is an inspiration.  I am a magazine nut. I literally have tens of thousands of magazines in my apartment.  People get a list of rules when they look at them: no bending pages, no this, no that.  I don’t apologize for it. You do it this way, or hands off!”

What makeup trends can we expect for spring 2009?
“There are lots of beiges, creams and ivories but also hits of really bright colour in every range, from bright green to hot pink, red and blue.  It’s a great season for people who love colour.  Everything you want, it’s out there.  Orange is also huge for the season, so is yellow.”

Calendar note:
It’s March and by now most Edmontonians, like me, are anxiously awaiting spring.  Like an unwanted houseguest, winter has been around for far too long.  Bid adieu to your snow shovels and Uggs and attend The Spirit of Spring Fashion Show and Luncheon on Sunday April 19 at the Shaw Conference Centre.  The show is in support of the McDougall House Recovery Home for Women and will be featuring spring fashions from several local boutiques including Blu’s Women’s Wear, C’est Sera, Night Owl, The Avenue Clothing Co. and TK Clothing Co. Tickets are $60 and are available by phone 780-498-6216, email tickets AT mcdougallhouse.com and at participating stores.  I can’t think of a better way to welcome spring.

The post Edmonton: Q&A with James Kershaw appeared first on FASHION Magazine.