Embroidery and lions galore at Chanel Haute Couture

Chanel's golden lion at the Grand Palais. Photo via chanel-news.com

By Laura Minquini

The fashion planets aligned in perfect unison for me to attend the most Parisian of fashion shows. Chanel+Haute Couture=dreams come true. The show was held yesterday at one of the city’s most majestic of buildings, the Grand Palais–it is a sight to behold from the moment one arrives. It’s easy to  become an expert at spotting the clients and celebrities. Clients are clad in Chanel head to toe, celebrities—among them Leighton Meester and Blake Lively, Milla Jovovich, Jessica Alba and the very French Cleménce Poésy–are surrounded by a sea of photographers.

Once the show got under way the magic really began. The larger-than-life golden lion statue was the perfect prop for Karl Lagerfeld’s regal offerings. The baroque, elegant clothing in rich colors and fabrics was beautiful, but the dresses that ended the show were truly astounding. The finale, full of finely-embroidered fabrics, had an iridescence that made me question whether any photograph could do justice to the spectacle and beauty at hand.

The best surprise was the champagne reception that followed, when celebrities do their proper photo ops with Karl Lagerfeld—fit between his many interviews. Everyone is playful, everyone is happy; it was just the best show.

Laura Minquini is a Paris-based stylist and writer. She keeps tabs on Canadian designers all over the world on her blog, The Canadian School.

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