Ever wanted to go through a celeb’s makeup bag? We spoke to Lights about her signature look, beauty routine & more


“I don’t do anything the way it’s supposed to be done.”

I’ve barely sat down before Lights warns me that her approach to makeup is just a whole lot of trial and error, plus a sprinkling of YOLO. Luckily, that’s exactly what I like to hear before rummaging through someone’s makeup bag.

I’m sitting with the 27-year-old Canadian singer in a hotel lobby on a Monday morning, exchanging black eyeliner tips and suddenly I feel like we’re two high school students playing hooky. “I’ve used the same products for a long time, for years, honestly. I’m sure every makeup artist would cringe,” she tells me.

Lights is currently on tour promoting her third release, Little Machines, so she’s got her bus-to-stage to-photo shoot routine down. “I usually rely on a professional makeup artist for photo shoots, but I do my own stage makeup. Everything’s really dramatic and extreme. Really dramatic eyes, really dramatic cheekbones, so up close it looks a little wacko but from far away it looks really good.”

Even though she claims to not be a makeup junkie per se, she answers my questions confidently, with an “I do what I want, but thanks for your interest!” attitude.

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