Everything That Upset the Internet This Week

As always, there were lots of hot topics creating buzz on the web this week. So if you feel like “getting into it” with a friend, family member, or total stranger over the next couple of days, here is everything you need to know. Isn’t controversy fun?

Selena Gomez gets spray tanned for the MET Ball

THE STORY: Selena Gomez arrived at the MET Gala red carpet in a custom Coach night gown and a darker-than-normal spray tan.


RIGHTEOUSNESS OF THE RAGE: Was this a bad spray tan? Yes. Even Gomez seems to realize she didn’t nail the look. After receiving some harsh Internet judgement, Gomez meme’d herself on her Instagram feed with a video of her “running away” from her MET Gala photos. So she’s in on the joke guys, it’s okay!

But, was this blackface? I really don’t think so. This is just a bunch of people trying to create controversy where there is none. Gomez is more tan than we’re used to seeing her, but she is in no way painting her skin to mimic or mock a different ethnicity. There is a whole spectrum of skin tones between black and white.

Brooklynn Nine-Nine is cancelled

THE STORY: After five seasons, Brooklyn Nine-Nine has been canceled by Fox.


RIGHTEOUSNESS OF THE RAGE: I haven’t watched this show, but I can relate to this feeling. Why exactly is there only one season of Freaks and Geeks? And why hasn’t Netflix somehow brought it back to life? Lucky for Brooklyn Nine-Nine fans, NBC swooped in to save the day, and will bring the series it into season six on their network. Sometimes good things happen, even in 2018.

Muslims find acceptance in the latest episode of Roseanne

THE STORY: Last weeks episode of Roseanne, ABC’s most controversial revival series, Roseanne recoils from her new Muslim neighbours: she spies on them, insists to her sister that their huge supply of fertilizer could mean they’re “a sleeper cell full of terrorists getting ready to blow up our neighbourhood,” and suggesting that their wifi password would be “deathtoAmerica123.” But by the end of the episode she learns that they might just be people after all!


RIGHTEOUSNESS OF THE RAGE: I haven’t watched this show either… but I have read a lot of tweets and think pieces addressing the controversy. The best explainer I saw came from Arab American Institute: “The attempt to humanize an Arab Muslim family through acceptance by a bigoted white person implies that Roseanne, as a white American, is needed to certify either the Americanness or humanity of the Arab Muslim family. ”

A movie-goer live tweets Greta Gerwig watching I Feel Pretty 

THE STORY: When Greta Gerwig attended an afternoon screening of I Feel Pretty on Wednesday, a fellow moviegoer took it upon herself to live-tweet the Lady Bird director’s reaction. It wasn’t all laughs, but it was all loud. In a now viral thread, Twitter user Jaye Hunt narrates the experience of sitting behind the Oscar-nominated filmmaker and her friends in a New York theatre.


RIGHTEOUSNESS OF THE RAGE: Who’s in the wrong here? Is it Gerwig, the acclaimed filmmaker who allegedly disrupted and disrespected the moviegoing experience? Is it Hunt, the live-tweeter, who came across a celeb in the wild and shared the shocking encounter with her followers? Speaking loudly in a movie isn’t cool—but neither is typing on your phone throughout the entire thing. You can read Busy Phillips—who stars in I Feel Pretty and is buddies with Gerwig—reaction to the drama here.


The post Everything That Upset the Internet This Week appeared first on FASHION Magazine.