Everything That Upset the Internet This Week

What is the web-o-sphere angry about this week? A celebrity who isn’t fat enough, a wax Beyoncé statue and a wet toothbrush. If these are the causes you plan on championing over the holidays, here’s everything you need to know.

Amy Schumer’s new movie I Feel Pretty 

THE STORY: The first trailer for Amy Schumer’s new movie,  I Feel Pretty, was released earlier this week. In the film, which comes out April 27, Schumer plays a (supposedly) unattractive woman who tries her exercise her way to conventional ‘beauty.’ She hit her head in an LA-style spin class, some Freaky Friday movie magic ensues, and she wakes up seeing herself in the mirror with supermodel-level good looks — even though she looks the same to everyone else.


RIGHTEOUSNESS OF THE RAGE: All women, no matter their age/shape/colour/socioeconomic-status, have insecurities about their physical appearance. We see this in the scene with Emily Ratajkowski’s character, who despite her traditional good-looks is full of self-doubt. Just because Schumer is white, privileged and “not fat enough” does not mean that her insecurities are irrelevant. And through this reverse Shallow Hall movie magic, we get to see a self-conscious, averagely good-looking woman confidently relish in her beauty. Isn’t that something to celebrate for women, rather than tear down? I Feel Pretty is probably not going to be a radical piece of film — but it’s a welcome reminder that we should all consciously take delight in how we look, no matter how we look.

HOW WE FEEL: ? ? ? ?

A Niagara Falls “Beyoncé” wax figure

THE STORY: Writer Ama Scriver uploaded a photo of a “Beyoncé” wax figure at a museum captioned, “According to the curators of the wax museum in Niagara Falls, this is Beyoncé.” It’s not the only inaccurate Beyoncé wax statue — not even the only one in Niagara Falls.  



RIGHTEOUSNESS OF THE RAGE: If anyone deserves a perfect wax statue, it’s Beyoncé. Any misrepresentation of her perfection is offensive. White beauty standards are already so entrenched in Western society: non-white young women need to see their heroes properly put on display. Any amount of whitewashing — even if it’s ‘unintentional’ — is problematic and should be called out.

HOW WE FEEL: ? ?  ? ? ? ?  ? ?  ? ?

When do you wet your toothbrush?

THE STORY: Earlier this week, Twitter user Ty’ana sent a tweet out to the world simply asking her followers: “Do y’all wet the toothbrush first, or put toothpaste on first?”


RIGHTEOUSNESS OF THE RAGE: Toothbrushes are gross. We use these bristly little sticks to clear the bacteria out of out mouths, we let them sit out in the dusty, dirty air, and then we do it all again the next day. When you think about it, there has to be a more sanitary way to clean your mouth. That said, if you don’t rinse your toothbrush before and after your toothpaste, you’re doing it wrong.

HOW WE FEEL: ? ? ? ? ?

The post Everything That Upset the Internet This Week appeared first on FASHION Magazine.