Everything That Upset the Internet This Week

TGIF! Since it’s the weekend (finally), there’s a chance you will be talking to some people in some social situations. Or maybe you won’t, and that’s totally okay too.

Either way, it’s good to stay informed. The Internet is always buzzing with scandal and controversy, and it’s important to keep up to date if you want to sound pop culture savvy. Plus, drama is always super fun.

Selena Gomez will star in the new Woody Allen film

THE STORY:  It was announced that Selena Gomez will star alongside Elle Fanning in a Woody Allen film project. The legendary Oscar-winning director has been accused by ex-partner Mia Farrow of sexually assaulting their young adopted daughter.


RIGHTEOUSNESS OF THE RAGE: Selena Gomez isn’t the first famous female to work with the alleged molester; Blake Lively, Kristen Stewart, Emma Stone, and Cate Blanchett have all chosen to work with Allen in recent years. While it’s true that women shouldn’t be held accountable for men’s actions, working alongside an accused sexual predator requires careful ethical consideration—no matter how talented that sexual predator may be. Gomez needs to speak out about her decision to work with Allen if she’s going to clear the air.


Face App introduced “ethnicity” filters

THE STORY: Face App—an app that allows users to digitally manipulate selfies—introduced an update that includes filters designed to mimic Asian, black, white, and Indian features.


RIGHTEOUSNESS OF THE RAGE: The app isn’t in and of itself racist. “The ethnicity change filters have been designed to be equal in all aspects,” Goncharov said to Mic via email. “They don’t have any positive or negative connotations associated with them. They are even represented by the same icon. In addition to that, the list of those filters is shuffled for every photo, so each user sees them in a different order.” Except, we all know how this app is going to be used. Bad idea Face App, good luck coming back from this PR disaster.

HOW WE FEEL: ?  but also

Chris Pratt and Anna Farris announce their separation

THE STORY: The couple, who have been married for 8 years and share a 4-year-old son, announced their legal separation via social media. “Anna and I are sad to announce we are legally separating,” Chris Pratt posted to his Facebook page. “We tried hard for a long time, and we’re really disappointed. Our son has two parents who love him very much and for his sake we want to keep this situation as private as possible moving forward.” Anna shared a similar message to her Instagram and Twitter accounts.


RIGHTEOUSNESS OF THE RAGE: Is this tragic? Yes. Is the relationship of two people any of our business—even if they’re famous? Probably not. Still crying though.

HOW WE FEEL: ? ? ? ? ? ? ?

T-shirt company tries to re-brand swastika as ‘symbol of peace’

THE STORY: A design studio (KA Design) tried to “reclaim” the swastika by selling shirts emblazoned with rainbow versions of the Nazi symbol accompanies by the words “peace” and “zen.”


 RIGHTEOUSNESS OF THE RAGE: Yes, the original swastika design was used by Buddhists, Hindus and Jains for thousands of years as a symbol of good fortune. And yes, it’s a terrible thing when a positive symbol is coopted by genocidal murderers. But this is not a symbol that can be redeemed — and you cannot wear this t-shirt. The most disgusting part is that someone was seeking to profit off this project.


The post Everything That Upset the Internet This Week appeared first on FASHION Magazine.