Everything that Upset the Internet This Week

TGIF, amiright? It’s been a good week for some (cc: O.J. Simpson fans, Confederacy fans and BTS fans), and an unfortunate week for others (cc: Beyoncé fans.) In case you haven’t been keeping up, here’s a list of all the controversial and scandalous news that rocked the web this week.

Madame Tussauds doesn’t know what Beyoncé looks like

THE STORY: Manhattan’s Madame Tussauds recently unveiled it’s new Beyoncé wax statue. It’s hideous, suspiciously light-skinned, and looks more like Mariah Carey than Queen Bey.


RIGHTEOUSNESS OF THE RAGE: Beyoncé deserves better — especially when Kylie Jenner gets a wax figure with uncanny resemblance in the SAME WEEK. Where is the justice in that? Maybe, Bey’s beauty is just harder to replicate. In response to the mass outcry, the New York Times has reported that the statue is “off the floor until further notice.”

HOW WE FEEL: ?  ?  ?

The Game of Thrones guys are creating a show about slavery

THE STORY: HBO announced that Game of Thrones showrunners David Benioff and D.B. Weiss are planning a new series,  “Confederate.”  The show will present an alternate history in which the Confederacy won the Civil War and slavery still exists.


RIGHTEOUSNESS OF THE RAGE: It’s interesting to imagine the dark ‘what ifs’ of society: just look at the success of The Handmaid’s Tale! But the fact that this is coming from two white creators whose current show has been criticized for lack of diversity doesn’t inspire a lot of confidence. However, the series will be co-produced by two African-Americans, Nichelle Tramble Spellman and Malcolm Spellman. Hopefully, “Confederate” proves its early critics wrong.


K-Pop group BTS might be your 2018 Super Bowl performers

THE STORY: BTS is currently leading Billboard poll asking, “Who should play 2018 Super Bowl Halftime Show?” The K-Pop boy band is way ahead with 62.21% of the vote, beating out the likes of Rihanna, Kanye West, The Weeknd, and Taylor Swift.


RIGHTEOUSNESS OF THE RAGE: BTS would no doubt put on a memorable performance, but as noted by Twitter users, the demographic that typically tunes into sporting events isn’t necessarily the one that would be into K-pop. Nice try though BTS fans! Way to show your dudes the support they deserve (…by trolling an Internet poll to insure their success.)

HOW WE FEEL:️ ️ ️ ️ ️ ️ ️

Two teenagers pretend they bought a house

THE STORY: Twitter user @nataliamk8 posed in front of a house with her bf, and posted the pic with the caption “we just bought our first house at the age of 17&16. So proud of how hard we worked these last few years to get it.”


RIGHTEOUSNESS OF THE RAGE: @nataliamk8’s Twitter bio: “I am not a home owner.” Me: “The Internet should chill and learn how to take a joke.” Me to me: “I am so grateful for the Internet and for the quality content it authentically produces.”

HOW WE FEEL: ?  ?  ?  

O.J. Simpson has been granted parole

THE STORY: In 2007 O.J. Simpson was sentenced to 33 years in jail for committing armed robbery in Las Vegas, and on Thursday a parole board announced he would be freed after serving just nine years.


RIGHTEOUSNESS OF THE RAGE: Whether or not you think that the former NFL star murdered his ex-wife Nicole Brown Simpson and her friend Ronald Goldman doesn’t really matter right now. He was acquitted of those charges in 1995, and in the eyes of the court he’s only guilty of armed robbery. That being said, 33 years is a long time to be sentenced to jail for involvement in a robbery. Some people called the court’s 2008 verdict “payback” for getting acquitted of the murders he definitely probably committed. The American judicial system is a finicky thing, isn’t it.


HOW WE FEEL: ?  ?  ?  ?

The post Everything that Upset the Internet This Week appeared first on FASHION Magazine.