Everything You Need to Know About Getting Your Aura Read

It seems that more and more people are being drawn to aspects of the supernatural these days, like astrology, healing crystals and Reiki. From psychics to tarot readers, it’s not hard to find someone to talk to you about what’s going on inside (like, way inside). So, we’ve broken down auras to help you understand what they are, how reading works, and what all those colours mean.

What is an aura?

An aura is the energy field that you see around the body of animals, plants and humans (it kinda looks like a mist). When you start seeing auras, you see just a few inches close to the body and they’re always white in colour, but as you develop your talent you will be able to see different colours.

Because the body is mostly energy and water, people have the ability to change colours constantly, telling us how they’re feeling. As a spiritual energy healer, I know how uncomfortable it is when someone steps in my energy field. I find myself backing up. So whether you believe in this stuff or not, we’ve broken down the meaning of each aru

Are there different parts of an aura?

The aura has three planes and seven bodies of energy, which are:

The physical plane, which includes the etheric body, emotional body and mental body. These three bodies are connected to the earth.

The astral plane, which includes the astral body. This is the bridge between the physical and the spiritual plane; it comes from your heart connection.

The spiritual plane, which includes etheric physical, celestial body and the ketheric body. This is your intuition, your connection to the divine.

Click here to learn more about each body.

How long has aura reading been around?

Knowing about the energy fields of living bodies is a 5000 year old tradition in certain cultures. In the west, we are now learning more and more about the importance of the energy fields or auras. Many religions talk about a light appearing around people. Hinduism talks about a universal energy field called Prana, the East calls it Chi, Kabbalah talks about the astral light, and Christians talked about seeing bright light around people’s body. It is said that paintings of saints with a halo around them is the aura. The artists did not understand what they were seeing so it became represented as the halo.

What to expect if you have a photo of your aura taken:

There are many different approaches. One of them, Kirlian photography, was invented in 1939. It is defined as “a technique for recording photographic images of corona discharges and hence, supposedly, the auras of living creatures.” This process reveals visible auras around objects. Because with the Kirlian photography, you can see auras around living and non-living objects, this process of seeing auras is often ignored by energy healers or mystics. One thing I know for sure is that people just love to have their aura picture taken. Kirlian photography is always available at psychic fairs. The photo will show you the different colours in your energy field. When I do an aura reading, I will give you a drawing of your aura colours with the explanations on the different colours.

Where do chakras come into this?

The colours of the aura is directly related to the chakras (the seven centers of spiritual power in the human body), so if some of the chakras are imbalanced it will be reflected in the aura. Because I work with chakras and colours I will use this information to read your aura. Depending on the colours I see in the energy field, it will tell me how you feel physically, emotionally or spiritually. We can bring a lot of insight to a client by reading their aura. You know the saying, “She has an aura about her,” it means that person has a strong positive aura. But your aura never stays the same colour; it depends on your feelings. Since I understand the chakras, energy and colours I can see and feel the imbalance in auras. By looking at energy fields we can see the cords of attachment (they look like strings from a puppet). We can also see tears in your aura and we can repair the tears in your energy fields quite easily. To me the tears look like lightning bolts.

What do the colours mean?

Every colour is important because they all have a different energy and affect your mood. These are the colours that we see more frequently in auras (and what they represent):
Red: Passion, anxiety, vitality, anger
Orange: Ambition, change, creativity
Yellow: Intellect, over-analyzing, self-esteem
Green: Nurture, compassion, balance, love
Blue: Self-expression, sensitivity, calm, communication
Indigo: Deep connection to the spirit, intuition, paranormal powers
Purple: Deeper connection to the divine, confusion, addiction, depression, wisdom, in need of meditation
White: Truth, peace, comfort, removal of pain

These colours are more unusual to see in an aura:
Pink: New love, self-love
Lavender: Intuition, vision, artistic nature
Turquoise: My favourite! This is the best colour to change your vibration and bring you plenty of everything (love, money, good friends etc.)
Black: Grief, past life problems, health issues, protection
Silver: Spiritual and financial abundance
Gold: Divine protection, enlightenment

Now that you are more aware of auras and meaning of colours, be more selective of the colour you are wearing and the colours in your home. You can even get the sense of how people are feeling by the colours they are wearing.

For more, or to book a reading, visit joycebarnes.com

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