Fan of The Hunger Games? Joe Fresh wants to send you to the Toronto premiere! Plus: enjoy this hilarious Lana Del Rey spoof video

Our enthusiasm for The Hunger Games movie (42 days and counting!) grew even deeper with the announcement of their China Glaze nail polish collaboration, and then reached full fandom status when Taylor Swift became part of the soundtrack. Thankfully, this new Lana Del Rey–inspired spoof song allows us to dial down our tween-age adoration to a more appropriate (ironic?) adult level.

But, before we sound too blasé about The Hunger Games, there’s yet another reason to get excited! Joe Fresh just announced that they’ve partnered with the film and are running a contest to send one lucky winner to the red-carpet premiere in Toronto—with a $500 Joe Fresh gift card. Continue over to for full details, or check out Joe Fresh on Facebook.

Read on at Toronto Life »

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