FASHION invites you to a sweet night

feb09heart_250Come out to the Bloor Street Gap on Wednesday, February 11 for a little pre-Valentine’s Day shopping and fun. Our own Sarah Casselman will be there presenting a fashion show featuring GapBody lingerie and loungewear, plus spring looks for women and men (bring yours). We’ve also sweetened the pot with free treats and cocktails (so you’ve got to be 19+). Sephora will be giving touch-ups and Gap is offering a 20 per cent discount, so you’ve got no excuses to not update your smalls. We’ll be at the party so make sure you say hello!

When: Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Where: Gap, 60 Bloor St. W. (at Bay)
How much: It’s free!
R.S.V.P. to or 416-355-2444

Get the invite here!

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