Fashion news: Canadian beauty honours, Tamara Mellon sues her mom, and RoPatz underpantz

FMcover_august08The first-ever Canadian P&G Beauty Awards were handed out last night at Toronto’s Carlu. Nia Vardalos presided over the evening, which had a list of presenters that included Jeanne Beker, designer Joeffer Caoc, CNTM’s Meaghan Waller and Style by Jury’s David Clemmer. FASHION picked up two awards—Best Fashion Feature for Karen Burshtein’s “Diary of a Couture Dress” from our Summer 2008 issue and Best Magazine Cover for our August 2008 cover with Coco Rocha. Other winners included Addison Gill for Best New Face and Janine Falcon ( for Best Beauty or Fashion Blog.

Tamara Mellon is suing her mother for $9.5 million. The lawsuit comes on the heels of the allegation that Mellon’s mum, Ann Yeardye, breached their part verbal/part paper contract in the sale of Jimmy Choo to Lion Capital in 2004. Yeardye was meant to receive only a cash pay off in the deal but she allegedly took $6.3 million in stock. [The Cut]

Twilight merch has leaked into the domain of “unofficial” vamp-products made by die-hard fans. The newest eye-rolling item is a pair of panties with Robert Pattinson’s face on them. Edward Cullen’s mouth is strategically placed in the crotch area. Yuck. [Yahoo]

Stefano Gabbana is now on Twitter. Or, um, “tweeter.” [@stefanogabbana, via Refinery 29]

The big, top-secret Christian Siriano/Starbucks collab? A mini holiday gift card. The coffee chain is also funding Siriano’s charity of choice, The Art of Elysium, and the designer will make dresses for a group of teens who have been in and out of hospitals. [FWD]

Steve Madden is stepping out of his comfort zone to design a collection of women’s apparel. The full line of dresses, jackets and other bohemian-inspired pieces will hit department stores in spring 2010. [Crains]

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