Fashion news: Claudia Schiffer photos interpreted as racist, Crocs save a life and Fashion’s Night Out cranks up the fun

French President Nicolas Sarkozy with wife Carla Bruni Sarkozy and Karl Lagerfeld, image via Styleite

Photographs of Claudia Schiffer by Karl Lagerfeld for a Stern Fotographie 60th anniversary retrospective are being slammed as racially insensitive. In one image Schiffer is captured wearing black face, and in another the supermodel is made to look Asian.  “There are not enough women of colour featured in mainstream magazines,” said Shevelle Rhule, of Pride magazine in response to the pictures. “This just suggests you can counteract the problem by using white models.”  [Telegraph]

But it’s not all bad news for the Kaiser. Last night he received the Legion of Honor at the Elysée presidential palace in Paris. [Styleite]

Urban Outfitters is expanding their hipster empire by introducing a beauty shop on their website. Behold over 50 brands and 1,000 colours. Queen West is about to get a lot more colourful. [Refinery 29]

It looks like the organizers of Fashion’s Night Out in LA want to turn the shopping affair into one wild ride – literally. A Ferris wheel will be erected on Rodeo Drive and all those with a receipt can go for a spin. Fun! [WWD]

Crocs apparently saved the life of a three-year-old boy, when he received an electric shock after picking up a hairdryer attached to an unreliable plug. A paramedic said the boy was lucky to be wearing the footwear because it prevented the current from reaching his legs. There is a reason to love Crocs after all. [The Cut]

Courtney Love recently tweeted that the best thing to wear to court is Anthropologie. We wonder if Lindsay Lohan got that? [Refinery 29]

According to an article in the Daily Mail, the top three items of clothing that women love but men hate are: Harem pants, jumpsuits and Ugg boots. If only men knew how comfortable these are. [Daily Mail via Jezebel]

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