Fashion news: Dell’Acqua split?, Federer’s lame lamé and celebrity hair mad libs

Finally, an excuse to share a clip from my favourite ever fashion doc, Signé Chanel. The director, Loic Prigent, followed Sonia Rykiel, Proenza Schouler, Jean Paul Gaultier and Karl Lagerfeld around for 36 hours before their runway shows for a new four-part series, The Day Before, airing this fall on the Sundance Channel. [Glamour]

Alessandro Dell’Acqua is publicly decrying his distributor for producing his spring men’s and pre-spring women’s collections without his approval. [FWD]

The British press is talking smack about Roger Federer’s Wimbledon outfit. True, it does include a white military jacket, waistcoat and duffle bag trimmed with gold lamé, but if you’re tight with Anna Wintour, you can wear whatever you want. [The Cut]

Not that Federer dressed any less crazy than his collegues. [Guardian]

Everyone’s current blogger crush, Sea of Shoes, goes to a Japanese hair salon that is predictably nuts. [Sea of Shoes]

The Women Management blog is our favourite stop for eclectic ephemera. Yesterday: An ode to Sheila E. Today: Orange

People are going nuts for Lauren Conrad’s multi-coloured mani, which we haven’t seen on anyone since 1995. [Sephora]

Would Robert Pattinson still be hot with Zac Ephron’s hair? What about Jay Manuel’s? [Spoiled Pretty]

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